Online Courses

Work Experience Covid Induction Course with First Aid Coaching

This short program was developed to inform you the TY & LCA & LCVP student of how the workplace has transformed due to Covid -19. If you manage to get a placement for work experience then you need to be aware of the changes that have so far been implemented.

You will be expected to adhere to the organisations policies and procedures and follow the H.S.A Return to Work Safely Protocol.

Course content

Module 1 How COVID19 is spread

Module 2 Signs and symptoms of COVID19

Module 3 H & S Documentation

Module 4 Returning to School/work

Module 5 The role of the Covid19 Compliance Officer

Module 6 Cleaning routines and hygiene controls

Module 7 Use of PPE and Medical Equipment

Module 8 Cleaning areas with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID19

Module 9 Physical Distancing

Module 10 Traveling to and from School/work

Module 11 Review of Workplace Practices

Module 12 Communal and Welfare Areas

Module 13 Prevention of Cross Contamination

Module 14 Close Working

Module 15 What to do if someone becomes unwell and believe they have been exposed to COVID19

Contact us to sign up to this free course for your Transition Year & LCA & LCVP students

Click Link for further information:

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